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Hello and welcome to Issue #12 of Zone In, Situate’s newsletter on what’s happening at Edmonton City Council public hearings on land development.

The next City Council public hearing is tomorrow, September 13. Below is our summary of what’s on the agenda. But first—find out what Council approved at the last public hearing on August 30.


We created Zone In for two reasons: to make it quicker and easier to find out what’s happening at City Council public hearings, and to make it easier to show your support for rezoning applications that you believe are moving our city in the right direction.

Zone In focuses on applications related to infill and urban redevelopment; Situate’s client files are highlighted in orange.


Let’s start with a recap of what happened at the August 30 public hearing.

The agenda had a total of 9 applications (12 agenda items).

The agenda included four applications in the redeveloping area as well as an infill application in the developing area, all of which we profiled in our previous issue.

The road closure and three of the developing area applications were approved unanimously. Three applications in the redeveloping area as well as the infill application in the developing area were selected for debate (shown in bold, below). If you’d like to review the details of the file approved with no debate, check out past Zone In Issue #11.

3.7      3.8      3.9      3.10/3.11      3.12


Item 3.8 was an application to rezone a 652 square metre lot in Chappelle at the corner of Chappelle Drive and Charles Place. The application was submitted by Situate on behalf of a private landowner and proposed to rezone the site from the RSL (residential small lot) zone to the RF3 (small scale infill development) zone. The rezoning would allow for the development of small-scale multi-unit housing. The intent of the landowner is to preserve the existing single detached house and divide it into three or four units internally, as a form of adaptive reuse. The site is not located within any nodes or corridors, but it aligns with City Plan policies that support infill development in all residential areas. At the public hearing there were two speakers in opposition who raised concerns about traffic, safety, and property values. Councillor Rice (the ward Councillor) asked Administration a number of questions related to the neighbours’ concerns and ultimately opposed the application. Five Councillors spoke in support of the application, stating that they were unconvinced that the rezoning would generate parking issues and that Vision Zero Street Lab is a good mechanism for addressing traffic and safety issues. They stated that the building will stay the same and car ownership in one large household could be the same as a building with three or four units. Mayor Sohi said that he believed this form of adaptive reuse is an innovative idea. The application was approved by a vote of 11 to 2, with Councillors Rice and Principe voting against it.

Item 3.9 was an application to rezone a 705 square metre lot in Holyrood on the corner of 96 Avenue and 83 Street. The application was submitted by a private landowner and proposed to rezone the site from the RF1 (single detached residential) zone to RF3 (small scale infill development) zone. The rezoning would allow for the development of small scale multi-unit (row) housing. The site is not located within any nodes or corridors, but it aligns with City Plan policies that support infill development in all residential areas. There was one speaker in opposition who raised concerns about parking and traffic, and stated that a nearby intersection has confusing stop signs. Administration stated that the rezoning would not have adverse impacts on parking and traffic. Councillor Salvador asked Administration to look into the configuration of the intersection in question. She spoke in support of the application, stating that she did not believe the rezoning would increase traffic volumes in a noticeable way, and would provide a very gentle form of densification. The application was approved unanimously.

3.10/3.11 was an application to rezone a 650 square metre lot in Queen Mary Park on the corner of 109 Avenue and 117 Street. The application was submitted by a private landowner and proposed to rezone the site from the RF1 (single detached residential) zone to RF3 (small scale infill development) zone. The rezoning would allow for the development of small scale multi-unit (row) housing. The rezoning required a map amendment to the Central McDougall/Queen Mary Park Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP). The site is not located within any nodes or corridors, but it aligns with City Plan policies that support infill development in all residential areas. There was one speaker in opposition who raised concerns with the engagement process, uncertainty around what will eventually be built, parking, and the fact that the ARP was not being followed. Councillor Stevenson responded to the speaker stating that she understands change can be very difficult when it lands next door. Councillor Rutherford asked Administration why the rezoning required an amendment to the ARP when most RF3 rezonings do not. Administration responded that the ARP that applies to this neighbourhood restricts land uses on some parcels to single detached housing. Councillor Stevenson spoke in support of the application stating that it will increase housing diversity in the neighbourhood. The application was approved unanimously.

Item 3.12 was an application to rezone a 3,650 square metre site consisting of six adjacent lots in Prince Rupert on the north side of 111 Avenue (a primary corridor), between 116 Street and 117 Street. The application was submitted by Stantec on behalf of a private landowner and proposes to rezone the site from the RF1 (single detached residential) zone to a DC2 (site specific development control provision) zone. The rezoning would allow for the development of a mid-rise mixed use building of multi-residential development, with limited commercial opportunities on the ground floor.

At the September 8, 2021 public hearing, the previous Council referred this application back in order to create a DC2 zone based on the RA7 and RA8 zones; the perceived issue was that site access was from the lane rather than the service road. The site is located within the 111 Avenue Primary Corridor. At the August 30, 2022 public hearing there were six speakers in opposition, who raised concerns about traffic, parking, shadowing, privacy, mental health impacts, fit with the surrounding development, impacts to property values, and the type of people who would live in the development. Councillor Rutherford spoke in opposition, stating that she would have voted in favor of the previous iteration of the application, which would have rezoned the property to standard RA7 and RA8, but she felt that the new DC2 would create more traffic impacts. Councillor Knack spoke in favour of the application, stating that the direction of the referral had been fulfilled: 111 Avenue has frequent transit service, and the rezoning will provide more housing choice. Councillor Stevenson also spoke in support of the application, citing City Plan policy and the need to create more inclusive communities. The application was approved by a vote of 12 to 1, with Councillor Rutherford voting against it.


The September 13 public hearing agenda has a total of 16 applications (25 agenda items).

The agenda includes 10 applications in the redeveloping area, which we profile below.

                                            3.1    3.2    3.3    3.4/3.5    3.6    3.7    3.9    3.10    3.21/3.22/3.23/3.24    3.25

Item 3.1 is an application to rezone a 616 square metre lot in Hazeldean at the corner of 93 Street and 66 Avenue. The application was submitted by Davis Consulting Group on behalf of Arcadia Homes Ltd. and proposes to rezone the site from the RF1 (single detached residential) zone to the RF3 (small scale infill development) zone. The rezoning would allow for the development of small-scale multi-unit housing. The site is not located within any nodes or corridors, but it aligns with City Plan policies that support infill development in all residential areas.

Item 3.2 is an application to rezone a 687 square metre lot in Canora at the corner of 152 Street and 103 Avenue. The application was submitted by Situate on behalf of Verona Developments and proposes to rezone the site from the RF1 (single detached residential) zone to the RF3 (small scale infill development) zone. The rezoning would allow for the development of small-scale multi-unit housing. The site is not located within any nodes or corridors, but it aligns with City Plan policies that support infill development in all residential areas. The site is also located less than 400 metres from the future Stony Plain Road/149 Street LRT Stop.

Item 3.3 is an application to rezone a mid-block, 531 square metre lot in Parkallen located on 72 Avenue between 109 Street and 111 Street. The application was submitted by THC Homes on behalf of a private landowner and proposes to rezone the site from the RF1 (single detached residential) zone to RF3 (small scale infill development) zone. The rezoning would allow for the development of small scale multi-unit (row) housing. The site is not located within any nodes or corridors, but it aligns with City Plan policies that support infill development in all residential areas.

Item 3.4/3.5 is an application to rezone a 687 square metre lot in West Jasper Place at the corner of 151 Street and 96 Avenue. The application was submitted by Situate on behalf of Uptown Boulevard and proposes to rezone the site from the RF1 (single detached residential) zone to the RF3 (small scale infill development) zone. The rezoning would allow for the development of small-scale multi-unit housing. The rezoning requires an amendment to the Jasper Place Area Redevelopment Plan to redesignate the site from “Small Scale Housing” to “Active Edge Housing.” The site is not located within any nodes or corridors, but it aligns with City Plan policies that support infill development in all residential areas. The site is also located about 700 metres from the future Glenwood/Sherwood LRT Stop.

Item 3.6 is an application to rezone a 695 square metre lot in Britannia Youngstown at the corner of 158 Street and 102 Avenue. The application was submitted by EINS Consulting and proposes to rezone the site from the RF4 (semi-detached residential) zone to the RF5 (row housing) zone. The rezoning would allow for the development of ground-oriented multi-unit housing. The rezoning aligns with the Jasper Place Area Redevelopment Plan and is located within the Stony Plain Road Primary Corridor.

Item 3.7 is an application to rezone a 682 square metre lot in High Park at the corner of 149 Street and 109 Avenue. The application was submitted by Mauricio Ochoa (FCX Development) and proposes to rezone the site from the RF1 (single detached residential) zone to the RF3 (small scale infill development) zone. The rezoning would allow for the development of small-scale multi-unit housing. The site is located within the 149 Street Secondary Corridor.

Item 3.9 is an application to rezone a 3,000 square metre lot in Prince Rupert located on 119 Street between Kingsway and 115 Avenue. The application was submitted by Ait Capital Corporation and proposes to rezone the site from the IM (medium industrial) zone to the CB2 (general business) zone. The rezoning would allow for commercial uses to operate in the existing building on the site. The site is located within the Kingsway Primary Corridor.

Item 3.10 is an application to rezone a 4,775 square metre lot on Calgary Trail South located on Gateway Boulevard and 41 Avenue. The application was submitted by Green Space Alliance on behalf of Sawridge Management Corporation and proposes to rezone the site from the CHY (highway corridor) zone to the CB2 (general business) zone. The rezoning would allow for a wider range of commercial uses and a potential mixed-use development in the future. The site is located within the Gateway Boulevard/Calgary Trail Primary Corridor.

Item 3.21/3.22/3.23/3.24 is an application to rezone four lots totaling 1,944 square metres in McKernan located on 114 Street on the north and south sides of 78 Avenue. The application was submitted by Precision Buildings on behalf of Pinto Properties Inc., and proposes to rezone the site from the RF1 (single detached residential) zone to a DC2 (site specific development control provision). The rezoning would allow for the development of two mid-rise buildings with commercial uses fronting on public open spaces. The rezoning requires amendments to principles, policies, and figures in the McKernan-Belgravia Station Area Redevelopment Plan. There are also two road closures proposed as part of the application. The site is located within the 114 Street Secondary Corridor.

Item 3.25 is an application to rezone a four-lot site totaling 1,926 square metres in Strathcona on the corner of 99 Street and 90 Avenue. The application was submitted by Beljan Developments on behalf of Sharbro Construction Ltd. and proposes to rezone the site from a DC2 (site specific development control provision) to a new DC2 provision. The rezoning would allow for the development of a mid-rise, mixed-use building. The site is located within the 99 Street Secondary Corridor. This application went before Council at the August 16, 2022 public hearing, but was referred back to Administration in order for Supportive Housing to be added to the proposed DC2 provision.

All of the infill files have support from the City of Edmonton Administration and align with City Plan.


If any of these applications grabbed your attention as something you like, or that you’d like to see more of in Edmonton, let Council know—your support can make a big difference.

Send a quick email to Council at city.council@edmonton.ca and city.clerk@edmonton.ca with the subject line “SUPPORT re: Item #.##, September 13, 2022 Public Hearing” and body text along the lines of “I am an Edmontonian who supports the City Plan goals of creating a more livable, sustainable and compact city with attainable housing options for all Edmontontians. For that reason I fully support the above referenced project.” The City recommends that submissions be sent by 4:30PM the day before the public hearing (today). Submissions sent thereafter will be shared with Council the morning of the public hearing.



If you really love infill and municipal politics, tune in and watch the public hearing live on the City’s YouTube channel! The action starts at 1:30 PM on Tuesday, September 13.



The CBC recently wrote an article about one of Situate’s upcoming rezoning applications in Glenora.

This is a rezoning application from RF1 to RA8 within the Stony Plain Road primary corridor, less than 200 metres from future LRT. It’s of interest because the The Carruthers Caveat, which is a restrictive covenant, also applies to the site

Written over 100 years ago, the Carruthers Caveat conflicts with contemporary policy in that it restricts development to single and semi-detached houses. However, what’s not commonly known is that the Land Titles Act provides a mechanism for removing a restrictive convenant, and it’s been tested and proven successful in court.

Read the article and Chelsey’s commentary about in on LinkedIn, here. The rezoning application is scheduled for City Council Public Hearing on October 4, 2022.



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The next City Council public hearing is Tuesday, October 4. Watch your inbox for our next issue!

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