The April 22 public hearing had a total of six applications (ten agenda items), including three infill applications. The first set of omnibus amendments to Zoning Bylaw 20001 was also on the agenda.
The proposed rezoning in Prince Rupert to support light industrial and small commercial businesses was postponed to the May 13 public hearing (see below) and one rezoning file passed without debate:
➡️ In Aster, a boundary of the North Saskatchewan River Valley Area Redevelopment Plan was amended and lands were rezoned from the Agricultural Zone (AG) to Small Scale Flex Residential Zone (RSF), River Valley Zone (A), and Public Utility Zone (PU). This allows for the development of small-scale housing, the preservation of natural areas and parklands, and the integration of stormwater management infrastructure 🏡🌲💧.
The application in Windsor Park was to rezone a site on the west side of 116 Street (across from the U of A) from the RS zone to the RM h23 zone to allow for multi-unit housing up to 6 stories.
This application brought Council back to conversations regarding the interpretation of the boundaries around nodes and corridors (flashback to Situate’s McKernan file from February!). According to City Plan, the site is within the University-Garneau Major Node, but the draft district plan does not identify the site within the Major Node.
Much of the Council discussion focused on (mis)alignment between the City Plan and the draft district plans including node and corridor boundaries and policy direction regarding densification at their edges, and how much weight Council should give to the draft district plans when they decide on the rezoning (legal counsel’s advice: not a lot because the plans are still in draft form).
Councillor Paquette put forward a motion to refer the application back to Administration until final determination of the District Plans. After the motion was defeated on a tie, Council approved the rezoning with a vote of 9-3 with Councillors Hamilton, Knack and Principe voting against it.
“People interpret [a line] as [a line] and a boundary and a border…and if it’s not actually a boundary and a border, I think that’s going to be very confusing for people.” – Councillor Erin Rutherford
“…when I look at the City Plan, I do see very clear alignment and I can absolutely understand why Administration has supported this application. Are there opportunities to provide greater clarity within district plans? Maybe. I think we can have those conversations to make sure [they’re] being interpreted as clearly as [they] can and as correctly as [they] can be. But in the absence of finalized district plans, I think we can and should still be moving forward on projects that are in alignment with the City Plan, and this project is. It is located within the University-Garneau Major Node under the City Plan, [it’s in] close proximity to public and active transit, it’s well-connected to amenities that support walkable 15 minute communities and [it] is directly adjacent to a major institutional employment centre in our city…When I zoom out even further and think about the housing crisis we are currently experiencing and the housing emergency that this City Council declared, I can’t see a good reason why we wouldn’t approve this today.” – Councillor Ashley Salvador
The first set of omnibus amendments to the new Zoning Bylaw that came into effect January 1 were approved unanimously by Council. The amendments were primarily to fix minor errors, respond to unintended consequences (this is always part of the process for municipalities when a new zoning bylaw comes into effect), and to ensure it is performing as intended.
➡️ Highlights: Secondary suites are now allowed in backyard housing, the separation distance requirement between different backyard housing buildings is smaller (0.9m instead of 3m), and the inclusive design requirements are more flexible to accommodate diverse housing needs.
The City will continue to monitor and adjust the new Zoning Bylaw throughout 2024–if you’ve got feedback, you can submit via this form.
Imagine if all your friends had this drop of zoning joy in their inboxes too! They can subscribe right here. 🎉📩
The May 13 public hearing has a total of seven applications (ten agenda items), including four infill applications.
The infill files include:
➡️ Gorman: turning some farmland into areas for small scale housing and future urban development 🌾🏘️ (we know it’s not really infill but it’s technically in the “redeveloping area” because it’s inside the Anthony Henday ring road)
➡️ Westmount: rezoning to RSM h12 to enable new small to medium scale housing in a primary corridor, less than 500 metres from a future LRT station 🏠🚉
➡️ Central McDougall: rezoning an interior site to RM h16 to allow for low-rise housing in a primary corridor 🏢
➡️ Prince Rupert: rezoning from the IM (medium industrial) zone to the BE (business employment) zone to facilitate light industrial and small commercial businesses 🏭🛍️
👀 We’ll be watching the proposed rezoning in Westmount from the RS (small scale residential) zone to the RSM h12 (small-medium scale transition residential) zone, which allows for residential buildings up to 12 metres. The site is located directly on the Stony Plain Road Primary Corridor–where mid and high-rise development is encouraged. But the RSM zone calls for much less density than would be expected directly on a primary corridor, so close to an LRT station. 🌆👍 Stay tuned!
Tune in to the City Council meeting on Monday, May 13 starting at 9:30 am on the City’s Youtube channel.
In this article, Planetizen explores a shift in urban planning priorities from traditional mobility to the importance of accessibility and proximity. Learn how cities can rethink the spatial arrangement of urban environments: Planning for Accessibility: Proximity Matters More Than Mobility.
The District Plans will be going to public hearing on May 28-30. Share your views on the proposed District Policy and 15 District Plans! There are a few ways you can participate: (1) Submit your written feedback to the City, (2) Speak at the public hearing.
To submit written feedback, send an email to city.clerk@edmonton.ca with the subject line: “Feedback on Item #.## MAY 28, 2024 District Planning Public Hearing.” Your input will be included in Council’s correspondence package.
If you’d like to speak (in person or virtually) at the public hearing, register in advance here. The City recommends signing up for the District Policy agenda item (3.1) as this is when the overall project and the policy direction for all districts will be discussed. If you want to speak about a specific District Plan, you can also register to speak for that plan’s agenda item.
The overview of changes made to the final draft plans can be found here and the draft plans are linked in the agenda. Let your voice be heard and help shape our community! 🎤👥
Grab your clubs for IDEA’s Edmonton Infill Golf Classic on June 18th at The Ranch Golf & Country Club! Don’t miss out on fun, prizes, and a chance to spend the day in the sunshine. Reserve your spot here!
Arjay thanks for reading this far! We send this newsletter in the hopes of making it easier and more fun to understand (1) what’s going on at #yeg city council public hearings on land development and (2) zoning, infill, and the land (re)development process in general. If there’s a topic you’d like to know about let us know and we’ll do our best to write about it!
Zone In is created by Situate Inc. and is for informational purposes only. The content in Zone In is not to be construed as planning, zoning, real estate or any other professional strategy or advice.
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