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Hello and welcome to Issue #17 of Zone In, Situate’s newsletter on what’s happening at Edmonton City Council public hearings on land development.

The next City Council public hearing is tomorrow, Tuesday December 6. Below is our summary of what’s on the agenda. For a recap of the public hearing on November 1, check out our Special Edition sent out in mid-November.



We created Zone In to make it quicker and easier to find out what’s happening at City Council public hearings. Zone In focuses on applications related to infill and urban redevelopment.



The December 6 public hearing agenda has a total of 19 applications (28 agenda items).

The agenda includes nine applications in the redeveloping area (mature neighbourhoods), which are profiled below.



3.1/3.2.   3.3    3.4    3.5/3.6    3.7.   3.8.   3.9    3.20    3.25/3.26/3.27/3.28

The applications proposing to rezone to the RF3 (small scale infill development) and RF5 (row housing) zones are summarized below:

Item 3.1/3.2 | Glenwood | RF1 to RF3 | 792 sqm | 159 St. & 98 Ave. | Applicant: Bhadresh Radadiya for Nexus Build

Item 3.3 | Grovenor | RF1 to RF3 | 579 sqm | 144 St. & 106A Ave. | Applicant: Green Space Alliance

Item 3.4 | West Jasper Place | RF1 to RF3 | 689 sqm | 155 St. & 96 Ave. | Applicant: Bloc 53 Studio Inc.

Item 3.5/3.6 | West Jasper Place | RF1 to RF3 | 856 sqm | 50 St. & 98 Ave. | Applicant: Tony Mahey

Item 3.7 | Killarney | RF1 to RF5 | 735 sqm | 85 St & 132 Ave | Applicant: Danham Construction

Item 3.8 is an application to rezone a 4,616 square metre lot in Forest Heights at the corner of 79 Street and 101 Avenue NW. The application was submitted by Clarity Development Advisory and proposes to rezone the site from the RA7 (low rise apartment) and CNC (neighbourhood convenience commercial) zones to the CB1 (low intensity business) zone. The rezoning would allow for the development of low intensity commercial, office and service uses, as well as limited residential related uses. The site is in the 101 Avenue Secondary Corridor and the rezoning aligns with City Plan policies that support local commercial uses, amenities and services that enable 15-minute districts.

Item 3.9 is an application to rezone a 711 square metre lot in Parkdale at the corner of Fort Road and 115 Avenue NW. The application was submitted by Eins Development Consulting Ltd. on behalf of the property owner and proposes to rezone the site from the RF3 (small scale infill development) and CNC (neighbourhood convenience commercial) zones to the CB1 (low intensity business) zone. The rezoning would allow for the development of low intensity commercial, office and service uses, as well as limited residential related uses. The rezoning aligns with City Plan policies that support local commercial uses, amenities and services that enable 15-minute districts.

Item 3.20 is an application to rezone a 1,394 square metre interior lot in Oliver on 118 Street just north of Jasper Avenue NW. The application was submitted by Next Architecture on behalf of Centurion Property Associates and proposes to rezone the site from the current DC2 (site specific development control provision) zone to a new DC2 provision. The rezoning would continue to allow for a high-rise residential building along with an increase in floor area ratio and tower floor plate area, a north-south lane, and changes to the building’s appearance and materiality. The site is located within the Centre City Node, which is the central node of the metropolitan region where additional residential density is encouraged.

Item 3.25/3.26/3.27/3.28 is an application to rezone four lots totaling 1,944 square metres in McKernan located on 114 Street on the north and south sides of 78 Avenue. The application was submitted by Precision Buildings on behalf of Pinto Properties Inc., and proposes to rezone the site from the RF1 (single detached residential) zone to a DC2 (site specific development control provision). The rezoning would allow for the development of two mid-rise buildings with commercial uses fronting on public open spaces. The rezoning requires amendments to principles, policies, and figures in the McKernan-Belgravia Station Area Redevelopment Plan. There are also two road closures proposed as part of the application. The site is located within the 114 Street Secondary Corridor. At the September 13, 2022 public hearing, the application was referred back to Administration to work with the applicant to explore issues around waste management and to further align the proposal with the Area Redevelopment Plan with respect to the 114 Street greenway width.

The infill files have support from City of Edmonton Administration and align with City Plan.


Showing support is easy! Simply send a quick email to Council at city.council@edmonton.ca and city.clerk@edmonton.ca with the subject line “SUPPORT re: Item #.##, December 6, 2022 Public Hearing” and body text along the lines of “I am an Edmontonian who supports the City Plan goals of creating a more livable, sustainable and compact city with attainable housing options for all Edmontontians. For that reason I fully support the above referenced project.”



If you really love infill and municipal politics, tune in and watch the public hearing live on the City’s YouTube channel! The action starts at 1:30 PM MDT on Tuesday, December 6.



Have you been wondering about what’s going on with the Zoning Bylaw Renewal Initiative? Curious about how the new Zoning Bylaw is proposed to differ from the current one? Read the first article in our series on the new Zoning Bylaw to have some of your big questions answered. Our next articles in the series will tackle the nuts and bolts of what’s being proposed in the new residential, commercial, industrial, and mixed use zones. If you have specific questions you’d like to see answered, please send them our way.



Thank you for reading this far! We’d love to hear your thoughts about Zone In and how we can make it even better in 2023.

The next public hearing is on Monday, January 23, but watch your inbox in the next couple of weeks for more articles on the proposed new Zoning Bylaw.

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